Monday, 3 August 2015

Wild visitors

Wildlife galore
Surprised we were to visit the wood last weekend and find a deer lurking. Apparently roe deer can squeeze through gaps less than a foot wide. So we think it must have got in under the fence somewhere and we will have to do some clearance along the fence this autumn to spot the gaps. We left the small gate open to the meadow while we strimmed and mowed, and hope that it made a good escape. Meanwhile, our pond has brought plenty of insects and, before leaving in the later afternoon, we were treated to a visit by dozens of swallows swooping around.

Invasive plants
We have a single Buddleja davidii bush which is often dotted with butterflies. (However, this invasive plant is not to be recommended if it shades out other plants which provide food for caterpillars.) We saw fritillaries which feed on brambles and thistles, lay eggs in oak and other crevices, the caterpillar feeds on dog violets the following spring. Also visiting were the red admiral and peacock butterflies - their caterpillars feed on stinging nettles. Our beautiful ginkgo trees have been doing well, except that they have much competition from the bracken - the picture shows how high the bracken can get before we stamp on it!

Preparing for the Green Fair

Preparations continue for a stall at the Exeter Green Fair on 5th September 2015. Find us on the Cathedral Green with items for sale in aid of the Medicinal Forest Garden Trust. These include bottled distilled Witch Hazel, young Ginkgo and Witch Hazel trees, plus beautiful cards and prints, and information about local medical herbalists plus other herbal products.